The International Relations Team is the team that distributed all information about IHD to your universities and are the ones communicating with applicants.
Name: Natalie Gabran
Age: 19
Interests: Tennis, padel, music, and spending time with friends
What I’m looking forward to the most with IHD: Meeting a lot of new people and being a part of the amazing IHD week!
Life lesson: Appreciate the small things:)
Name: Liv Barner-Rasmussen
Age: 20
Interests: Tennis, skiing reading and cooking
What I'm looking forward to the most from IHD: Teamwork and new friendships!
Life Lesson: Just smile and wave boys, smiiile and waaave
Name: Max Henriksén
Age: 20
Interests: Tennis, golf, and padel
What I'm looking forward to the most from IHD: To meet new wonderful people and to have fun
Life lesson: If you don’t lose, you can not enjoy the victories

Name: Edward Björkesten
Age: 22
Interests: Golf, skiing & day drinking
What I'm looking forward to the most from IHD: Getting to meet new people and partying
Life lesson: Wah wah wee wah- Borat